GST at TRNSYS Experience Seminar 2018 - Belval (Luxembourg)

The scientific staff  Abolfazl Ganji Kheybari and Daniel Schmidt gave presentations at the TRNSYS Experience Seminar on April 19th and 20th, 2018 in Belval (Luxembourg). Mr. Kheybari presented a lecture on the topic "Modeling dynamic facades and complex fenestration systems with TRNSYS 18" while Mr. Schmidt presented the "BCVTB" platform and its possibilities for coupling different simulation programs with his lecture. In addition, the employee Mathias Kimmling used the two-day event to carry out various measurements within the conference room regarding the thermal conditions during the seminar. At the end of the event, he was also able to present the measurement results obtained to the participants in a presentation.


The seminar was launched in 2015 and celebrated its fourth edition this year. It offers users of the building and system simulation software TRNSYS the opportunity to network and exchange information with each other.