Overheating and thermal stress - mitigation and adaptation strategies

Program Interreg Great Region 2021-2027
A Greener Great Region
As recent years have demonstrated, climate change is leading to more frequent and more intense heat waves. In light of these alarming indications, it is vital to implement measures in the building sector with the aim of protecting people better and adapting buildings to the challenges posed by climate change. As part of the Adapt project, a monitoring system is being developed in the countries of the Greater Region and will be installed in buildings where vulnerable individuals are present. The system will record the temperature in the room and transmit this data to a central platform in real-time. Once the data has been analyzed, an alarm will be sent to users if a defined limit value is exceeded, along with instructions on the appropriate measures to be taken. The regional context of the Greater Region makes it possible to set up an early warning system that does not yet exist. The project will directly contribute to developing awareness of the dangers and correct behavior during periods of heat, as well as sensitizing professionals and citizens to this issue through education
and training.
Begin: February 2024
End: January 2027
7 Financial partners:
- Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau – Fachgebiet Gebäudesysteme und Gebäudetechnik (Lead partner)
- Université de Liège
- Universität Luxemburg
- Université de Lorraine
- Afpa – Agence nationale pour la formation professionnelle des Adultes
- IZES gGmbH
- Landkreis Trier-Saarburg
15 Strategic partners:
- Kath. Kindertageseinrichtung St. Franziskus Urexweiler
- Ambulanter Pflegedienst Manuela Kirsch GmbH
- Viessmann Luxembourg
- Wallonie Bois – Centre de Compétences
- Bouyges Bâtiment Nord Est
- Energieagentur Rheinland-Pfalz
- Landkreis Sankt Wendel
- Institut de Formation Sectoriel du Bâtiment
- Centre hospitalier du Nord Ettelbruck – Groupe Pneumologique
- Maison de repos et de soins – Résidence de la Knippchen
- ATMO GrandEst
- A.E.I.M Maison d’accueil Specialisée
- Bauforum Rheinland-Pfalz
- Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima, Mobilität, Agrar und Verbraucherschutz desSaarlandes
- Ökumenisches Gemeinschaftswerk Pfalz GmbH