Ongoing projects

energy certificates of schools and residential buildings in the greater region
Duration: 01.05.24 - 30.04.28

Energy management with the help of model predictive regulation for mixed-use buildings in rural regions
Duration: 01.07.21 - 30.10.24
Networked local air conditioning systems to increase the overall energy efficiency of buildings
Duration: 01.2024 - 06.2027
- ModEMS4Q
- LiSA - Licht- und Solarmanagement mit aktiven modellprädiktiv geregelten Komponenten
- PtH4GR²ID - Power to Heat for the Greater Region’s Renewables Integration Development
- Klimalabor Netzwerk
- Education for smart buildings (HI-SMART)
- Passive-sustainable climate-control strategies in a tropical climate using Digital Fabrication
- Modellprädiktive Gebäuderegelung