The Living Lab smart office space is a joint project of the TU Kaiserslautern and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).


It serves the building systems and building technology department of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hoffmann as an experimental space for innovations in the field of personalized environment and ambient intelligence.

In addition to new building technology approaches for the individual comfort of building users, building and room automation solutions with adaptive facades and adjustable lighting are being developed.

In addition to comfort, the focus is always on energy-efficient building operation. Decentralized room conditioning relieves the load on the heating and air conditioning systems and the building envelope regulates the solar input, taking into account the risk of glare, thermal comfort and energy balance.  

Under the direction of​​​​​​​ Prof. Dr. Andreas Dengel, software and hardware developments from various research areas of the DFKI are also used and evaluated in the Living Lab.

As a Living Lab, it is not only a scientific research laboratory, but is also used as a temporary workplace by members of the TU Kaiserslautern and the DFKI.

The people working in the Living Lab use the pioneering technologies and at the same time act as test subjects for evaluation and further development.

Here you can find the official website: [External Website]