M. Eng. Daniel Schmidt

Building 14, Room 272

Tel. +49 (0)631 205 4274

E-Mail: daniel.schmidt(at)bauing.uni-kl.de

Consultation hours: By appointment (Email)





Research Focus:

  • Model predictive control
  • building simulation
  • HVAC
  • Renewable energy

PhD topic:

"Development of a predictive control system for the generation of heat in buildings, taking into account user behavior and a special focus on the future potential of vehicle-to-grid in combination with power-to-heat" (preliminary title)


The increasing scarcity of fossil fuels and ongoing climate change make the energy transition one of the central challenges of the 21st century. In Germany, a large part of the primary energy requirement is still used for heating buildings. Accordingly, the future focus will also increasingly fall on the conversion of heat generation, which is currently largely guaranteed in Germany via gas and oil heating. Since the focus of the energy transition is currently on the increasing integration of renewable energies into the power grid, power-to-heat systems represent a very interesting alternative designed storage system with a controlled generation of heat also contribute to the relief of the power grid.

The topic of the dissertation is integrated into this thematic background. The goal is to develop a predictive control system that can heat buildings with power-to-heat systems (focus: heat pumps). Within the controller, a special focus should also be on the topic of "Vehicle-to-Grid". The use of the developed predictive control system (MPC) should lead to generation and demand being coordinated as precisely as possible. The MPC is structured in such a way that it can be modularly adapted to the existing models (battery storage, e-mobility, PV, thermal storage) and can always lead to the best possible control of heat generation by predicting the heating requirement and PV production. The optimally designed control system to be developed should not only optimize the use of energy, but also be as efficient as possible and contribute to relieving the grid.


  • Schmidt, D.; Hoffmann, S. 2022. “Untersuchung des Potenzials prädiktiv geregelter Wärmepumpen hinsichtlich des Lastmanagements in Wohngebäuden”. BauSim 2022, Weimar. https://doi.org/10.26868/29761662.2022.74
  • Schmidt, D..; Hoffmann, S. 2021. “Simulation-based analysis of the load-shifting potential of Heat Pumps in Multi-Family Houses using co-simulation”. Building Simulation 2021, Bruges. https://doi.org/10.26868/25222708.2021.30351
  • Schmidt,D.; Benzarti, A.; Dröschel, B.; Weber, A.; Hoffmann, S. 2019. "Prädiktive Regelung von Wärmepumpen in Wohngebäuden zur Netzentlastung". Bauphysiktage 2019, Weimar.