Kick-off Meeting for the ADAPT Project

On April 18 th and 19 th , the RPTU ADAPT project team, consisting of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hoffmann, Dr.-Ing. Katharina Boudier, and Dr. Mônica Martins Pinto, hosted the kick-off meeting for project partners. The event took place at DFKI, the location of the Living Lab Smart Office Space.

ADAPT is a joint Interreg Greater Region project involving institutions from Belgium, Germany, France, and Luxembourg. The project aims to promote adaptation to climate change by focusing on strategies to reduce and adapt to overheating and thermal stress in buildings housing vulnerable populations. This includes monitoring indoor thermal comfort conditions, as well as education and training on the dangers of and correct behavior during heat waves. ADAPT has seven Financial Partners and 15 Strategic Partners across the Greater Region.

Representatives from partner institutions attended the kick-off meeting, both in person and online. During the event, an overview of the project was presented, each partner introduced, and general project issues were discussed. Additionally, the next milestones for each Work Package were defined. On the final afternoon, a workshop on the assembly of CoMoS (Comfort Monitoring Station) units was conducted.