Current projects
Development of ecologically and structurally optimised ceiling constructions for multi-storey buildings in timber construction
The aim of the project is the development of new, ecologically and building acoustically optimised ceiling constructions in timber construction with increased sound insulation at low frequencies. more
A new calculation method for summer thermal protection taking into account future climate developments
The aim of the project is to develop a new calculation method for summer thermal protection that takes future climate developments and location factors into account. The innovative solution is going to be located between the normative solar input method (simplified method with safety factors) and a thermal building simulation (detailed but complex method). [more]

Potential of wall heating and cooling systems to increase thermal comfort and reduce thermal energy consumption
The development of efficient heating and cooling systems has been a major research focus in recent years. In particular, surface tempering systems are often the subject of these investigations, partly because view in heating mode they are very advantageous from an exergetic point of and additionally they produce comparable or higher thermal comfort than convection heating systems at lower room air temperatures, which means that they can result in lower energy consumption in the building. [more]
Efficient heat storage and energy generation system for thermal conditioning of buildings
The German government plans to achieve a nearly climate-neutral building stock by the middle of the century. In addition to heating a building efficiently, cooling is becoming increasingly important and new, sustainable solutions are needed. [more]

Investigation of the room-side heat transfer to building envelope components and development of a calculation method
Within the framework of the research project "Investigation of room-side heat transfer to components of the building envelope and development of a calculation method", a significant gain in knowledge about room-side heat transfer to components of the building envelope is to be achieved. [more]

Person focused tracking infrared heating system with design software for energy-efficient and comfortable heating of industrial halls
By the middle of this century, the building stock in Germany should be nearly climate-neutral according the climate goals of the German government. From 2020 onwards, the implementation of the nearly zero energy building standard is being implemented for new buildings. In addition to residential and office buildings there is also a great need for energy-efficient industrial buildings (production halls etc.). [more]

Development of a concept for nearly zero energy buildings using Peltier elements
The reduction of energy demand and CO2 emissions is a central goal of the EU. Therefore, according to EU specifications, only "Nearly Zero Energy Buildings" are to be constructed from the year 2021 onwards. [more]

Development of a thermoelectric heating und cooling system with a high degree of efficiency
The German government plans to make the building stock almost climate-neutral by the middle of the century. By 2020, energy efficiency is to be improved by 20 % and CO2 emissions are to be reduced by 20 % compared to 1990 levels. [more]

Small House III Large-scale demonstrator "indoor climate/recycled concrete/solid construction"
In cooperation of the Departments of Building Physics / Low-Energy Buildings, Construction Material Technology and Concrete Structures and Structural Design, the first building in Germany has been created in which only concrete with recycled aggregate was used. [more]

Window test stand
Windows, doors and glazing elements are essential building components and must meet both aesthetic and practical requirements. [more]

Acoustic test stand
Noise protection is of key importance for buildings as well as for all infrastructure projects. Noise protection can have a decisive influence on people's health and well-being. [more]