Person-focused tracking infrared heating system with design software for energy-efficient and comfortable heating of industrial halls
By the middle of this century, the building stock in Germany should be nearly climate-neutral according the climate goals of the German government. From 2020 onwards, the implementation of the nearly zero energy building standard is being implemented for new buildings. In addition to residential and office buildings there is also a great need for energy-efficient industrial buildings (production halls etc.).
The central goal of this large-scale project is the development of a user-adapted infrared heating system. This new type of heating system is particularly energy-saving because large parts of the hall do not need to be heated. At the same time, a high level of thermal comfort for the users is ensured.
In order to fulfil the strategies of increasing heating efficiency as well as substitution, the integration of regenerative energies is also planned. Through the development of a hybrid dark radiator system, the ratio of primary energy can thus be minimised. To this purpose, completely new approaches are to be pursued within the framework of the project.
This project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the funding initiative KMU-innovativ and is scheduled to run for 30 months. The project partners are the TU Kaiserslautern and Kübler GmbH from Ludwigshafen.