Development of a concept for nearly zero energy buildings using Peltier elements
The reduction of energy demand and CO2 emissions is a central goal of the EU. Therefore, according to EU specifications, only "Nearly Zero Energy Buildings" are to be constructed from the year 2021 onwards.
This requires a new concept for heating and cooling the buildings and at the same time opens up the possibilities for new types of systems for the thermal energy supply of buildings. One forward-looking approach involves the use of Peltier elements. Peltier elements are electro thermal heat pumps and thus enable the use of environmental heat for the resource-saving energy supply of buildings. Within the scope of the project, processes are developed and investigated that enable the heating and cooling of buildings using Peltier elements. For this purpose, simulation calculations as well as laboratory tests are carried out.
As the very low energy demand of these buildings makes novel heating systems technically and economically feasible, the aim of this project is to develop a concept based on Peltier elements.
The project is funded by the Ministry of Science, Education and Culture through the European Structural Funds for Regional Development (ERDF) under the objective "Investment in Growth and Employment" and is carried out in cooperation with the company Innogration GmbH. The project duration is two years.