Excursion SWK

On January 20th, 2020, the students of the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses in Facility Management at the TUK went on an excursion to the SWK in Karcherstr. 28. Here they were received by Mr. Kowatsch. At the beginning he introduced himself and his career. He then gave an approx. 1.5 hour presentation in which he explained to the students how the various systems on the SWK premises work. In particular, combined heat and power generation was a central theme of his execution. Most recently, he reported on his upcoming project in which a coal-fired power plant will be replaced by a gas-fired power plant. In order to supplement the theoretical basis provided, the students were then given a factory tour. In this, the individual parts of the work were once again clearly explained to them. The coal stores and power plants as well as the water treatment plant and the diesel transformer stations were of particular interest to the students.

The students of the Facility Management course would like to thank the SWK for the interesting excursion!