Excursion to Rathaus in Kaiserslautern

On January 9th, 2020, students of the Facility Management course visited the town hall of the city of Kaiserslautern. Mr. Udo Holzmann, head of the city's technical building management, introduced the tasks of municipal building management and presented exciting practical examples. The students then got to know the technical systems of the town hall, which is a listed building, as part of a guided tour. A panoramic view of the Kaiserslautern area from the 21st floor of the town hall is of course also part of the broadening of horizons that this excursion aims to achieve. A visit to the town hall is one of the events that the GST department regularly organizes for students in the 1st semester of FM. We would like to thank the city of Kaiserslautern and especially Mr. Holzmann for their commitment!