Examination of structural damage, TGA, fire protection

The exam on structural damage, TGA, fire protection in the Bachelor of Civil Engineering and Bachelor of Facility Management courses will take place on

12.08.2021 from approx. 1.30 p.m.

The exam will take place in room 01-106 and 01-160. Please be at 1:00 p.m. for the identity check and seat assignment in front of building 01. As soon as all students are at their seats, the exam processing time starts. On the morning of the exam day, please check the announcements about the exam on our homepage and in the Olat courses again. Changes can also occur at short notice.

!!! Please bring your own paper to work on the exam questions!!!

According to the module manual, the processing time for the exam is 180 minutes. The seats are assigned during the identity check. Please have a pen and your student ID card and ID card (or passport) ready to enter in the attendance list. Please remember to generate a QR code for registration via Intake (if you haven't already).

Please note that they must wear a medical face mask, FFP2 mask or other model accepted by the TUK, both inside the building and on the way to your seat. While you are working on the exam, you may keep your mask on when you are seated, but there is no longer any obligation. You should bring a spare mask to change into. A mouth and nose cover (cloth mask, everyday mask, makeshift mask, etc.) is not permitted. Please note the relevant circulars and information on the TUK website.

We would also like to point out that you must inquire in advance whether you meet the conditions for taking part in the exam.

We would like to urge you to comply with the hygiene regulations of the TUK for your own safety as well as for the safety of your fellow students and examiners.