Kick-Off Webinar to E-Learning Module: Building Simulation in Design and Operation

The building simulation course is intended to give students a better understanding of how to use the simulation software TRNSYS and orientation in energy management. In the individual modules, the participants are introduced step by step to the building and system simulation. Use cases from different areas (solar system, heat pump, combination of systems and buildings) are dealt with.

The event consists of five modules. In the video of each sub-module, the students look at the content of a TRNSYS simulation model and the associated components and are accompanied by a speaker. There is also a script for each module. Scripts and videos are stored in OLAT, the central eLearning platform of the TU Kaiserslautern.

The course includes the basics of thermal building simulation, introduction to the simulation environment, complete system simulation and zone-based building simulation as well as parameter variations and evaluation of the results with TRNSYS.

The e-learning course is primarily aimed at students in the semester abroad (3rd semester) of the Master's degree in Facility Management, but can also be made available to other students on request.