For the third part of this year's "Saturday LearnING" series, around 30 students from Kaiserslautern and the surrounding area came to the TU…
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hoffmann presented on "Discomfort glare with complex fenestration systems and the impact on energy use when using daylighting…
To „Langen Nacht der Industrie“ came about 60 citizens from Rhineland-Palatinate came to the DFKI and visited the research facilities there. Katharina…
Zum Mittelstandstag Industrie 4.0 am Deutschen Forschungszentrum für künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), zu dessen Anlass auch Vizekanzler Sigmar Gabriel…
In the session "Building Physics Meets Facility Management", which took place for the first time this year, Ms. Boudier presented the results of the…
The FM+TGA field (finally) has a logo. It not only represents the increasingly important field of control and automation in the building sector, but…
Students of the Facility Management course visit the Technology Center of the Technical University of Kaiserslautern.