Finished Projects

Real Estate

PtH4GR²ID - Power to Heat for the Greater Region's Renewables Integration and Development

Project Description

In the context of Power to Heat, PtH4GR²ID investigates the potentials of electricity-guided heat pumps in combination with storage technologies from an economic, technical and social point of view. The basis is the development of a sustainable control concept for heat pump and storage planning. After simulation calculations have been carried out, the findings are evaluated on the basis of pilot installations in the Greater Region. In addition to technical feasibility and cost-effectiveness, social acceptance plays a decisive role. The project has a total budget of around 2.6 million euros and is 60 percent funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Unit of Real Studies contributes to the project by calculating the life cycle costs for the buildings to be modernised.

Further Information about the project you can find here.

Research Team

Technische Universität Kaiserslautern:

Chair of Energy Systems and Energy Management (Prof. Dr. Wolfram H. Wellßow), Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Chair of Building Systems and Building Technology (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabine Hoffmann), Civil Engineering Department

Chair of Real Estate Studies (Prof. Dr. Björn-Martin Kurzrock), Civil Engineering Department

Chair of Design and Building Construction III (Prof. Johannes Modersohn, Dr.-Ing. Angèle Tersluisen), Department of Architecture


Universities of Liège (overall project management: Prof. Dr. Philippe André), Luxembourg and Lorraine

Institute for Future Energy Systems (IZES), Saarbrücken

Practice Partners

Enovos Luxembourg

VSE Verteilnetz

Distribution de Techniques Climatiques DTC

Energieagentur Rheinland-Pfalz

StoREgio Energiespeichersysteme e.V.

Stiebel Eltron

Bouygues Bâtiment Nord Est

Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie, Ernährung und Forsten Rheinland Pfalz

Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit, Energie und Verkehr des Saarlands

European Institute for Energy Research, Karlsruhe

Bundesverband Wärmepumpe


European Regional Development Fund, INTERREG VA of the Greater Region


09/2016 – 08/2019

Press Releases

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