Building Physics Days 2022

After a postponement due to the Corona pandemic, we were able to hold the Building Physics Days, which have been taking place for 20 years, on 29 and 30 March 2022. Building physicists from all over Germany and from neighbouring countries met at the Kaiserslautern Building Physics Days to exchange views on current building physics issues in research and practice.

The conference participants were able to attend a wide variety of lectures on energy-efficient buildings, acoustics, comfort, moisture, fire protection and many other building physics topics.

The event was opened with a welcome address by the President of Technische Universität

Kaiserslautern, Prof. Dr. Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter. Afterwards, the scientific lectures began with the plenary lecture "Bauwende braucht Bauforschung - Herausforderungen und Ansätze auf dem Weg zum klimaneutralen Gebäudebestand" by Dr.-Ing. Arnd Rose from the Federal Institute for Research for Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. Afterwards, Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Schoch from Xella Technologie- und Forschungsgesellschaft mbH spoke about the further development of building materials with regard to their CO2 neutrality.

In the subsequent parallel sessions, participants were able to listen to more than 35 interesting presentations on both days and actively exchange ideas on various building physics topics. On the evening of the first day of the event, the scientific exchange continued at the traditional evening event of the Building Physics Days. This took place in the festival hall of the Brauhaus at the Gartenschau Kaiserslautern and, in addition to good food and an entertaining evening programme, offered the ideal setting to deepen the topics of the lectures and to get into conversation with the speakers.

The final lecture on the second day of the event was given by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Conrad Völker from Bauhaus Universität Weimar on the investigation of indoor air flows during exhalation and inhalation for analysing the spread of the coronavirus. Afterwards, the Bauphysiktage 2022 ended with the closing remarks of the congress management.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Kornadt, Prof. Dr. Svenja Carrigan, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Conrad Völker and Dipl.-Ing. Markus Hofmann were responsible for the scientific management of the event. The conference was organised by Corinna Edinger, who was actively supported by the staff of the Department of Building Physics/Energy-Efficient Buildings at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern.

We would like to invite all interested parties to the next Building Physics Days, which are expected to take place in Weimar in 2024.