Development of a timber construction wall for kindergartens and schools that is optimised in terhms of building and room acoustics
In view of the need to renovate schools and kindergartens, buildings that can be erected quickly and at low cost are required. This need for buildings is intensified by the increasing number of pupils.
Timber construction has established itself as an energy- and resource-saving lightweight construction system in recent decades. It is excellently suited to economically construct high-quality and energy-efficient buildings with a good indoor climate in a short construction time.
However, the challenges of timber construction often lie in building and room acoustics, as the lightweight construction often does not absorb sound sufficiently. In order to meet the requirements of regulations for the building and room acoustics of schools and kindergartens, the rooms must be "calmed" by additional and cost-intensive measures. However, this often nullifies the economic advantage of timber construction.
Within the framework of this development project, Pirmin Jung Deutschland GmbH and the Department of Building Physics / Low-Energy Buildings would like to combine timber construction and building and room acoustics for the first time, so that sound-insulating and sound-absorbing measures are already integrated through the design of the timber wall, which are then also statically and dynamically considered.
The collaboration project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).