Verena Hilgenfeldt M.Sc.

Wasser Infrastruktur Ressourcen


Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 14
Building: 14, Room: 315
67663 Kaiserslautern

Office hours

By agreement O `clock

since June 2020

Research Associate (Doctoral candidate) at the Department Resource Efficient Wastewater Technologies, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (until 12/2022 TU Kaiserslautern)

Final Thesis (M.Sc.) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer-Institute for Systems and Innovation Research: "Water Management in Settlement Areas - Optimization of Rainwater Storage Systems in view of Extreme Weather Events"


Studies of Water Science and Engineering (M.Sc.) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Mayor field of study: Water Technologies & Urban Water Cycle


Studies of Chemical Engineering (B.Sc.) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.

  • Energy efficient wastewater treatment
  • resource recovery


  • Publication: Niederste-Hollenberg, Jutta; Hillenbrand, Thomas; Hilgenfeldt, Verena (2020): From drainage to water management - transition using the example of an urban district in Lünen. In: Ernst & Sohn (Hrsg.): Regenwasser-Management 2020.
  • Master thesis: Hilgenfeldt, Verena (2020): Water Management in Settlement Areas –Optimization of Rainwater Storage Systems in view of Extreme Weather Events. Master Thesis. Karlsruhe.


  • Publication: Bauer, Annika; Wagner, Michael; Saravia, Florencia; Bartl, Sandra; Hilgenfeldt, Verena; Horn, Harald (2019): In-situ monitoring and quantification of fouling development in membrane distillation by means of optical coherence tomography. In: Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 577, May 2019, Pages 145-152.


  • Bachelor thesis: Hilgenfeldt, Verena (2017): Application of optical coherence tomography for visualization and quantification the formation of the top layer during membrane distillation. Bachelor Thesis. Karlsruhe