Cora Laumeyer M.Sc.

Wasser Infrastruktur Ressourcen


Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 14
Building: 14, Room: 315
67663 Kaiserslautern

Office hours

Wednesday   e.g. 14:00 - 16:00 O `clock
by agreement

Since 04/2021Research Associate at the department Resource Efficient Wastewater Technologies, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (until 12/2022 TU Kaiserslautern)
11/2020 - 03/2021Technical Consultant, Landesamt für Umwelt- und Arbeitsschutz, Department: Development of waterbodies and flood prevention
04/2020 - 10/2020Project Engineer in the field of WWTPs, Dr.-Ing. F. Schmidt-Bregas Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Wiesbaden
07/2020Master Thesis, Topic: Volatile fatty acid production and application as external carbon source for denitrification

06/2017 - 07/2020

Double Degree Studies: M.Sc. Environmental Engineering, Technical University Darmstadt & Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm
04/2018 - 07/2018Working Student, EnviroChemie GmbH, Roßdorf, Department Research and Development
04/2016 - 03/2017Working Student, Technical University Darmstadt, Department Civil- and Environmental Engineering, Institute IWAR
10/2013 - 06/2017


Studies: B.Sc. Environmental Engineering, Technical University Darmstadt, Majors: Supply and waste management, protection of soil and waterbodies


  • Production of biopolymers from wastewater
  • Anaerobic technology
  • Advanced phosphorus elimination
  • Process optimization at municipal wastewater treatment plants
  • Concepts and technologies for resource-oriented wastewater management

Laumeyer, C.; Zimmer, J.; Steinmetz, H. (2025). From fruit juice wastewater to biopolymer – How the mixed microbial culture and PHA content develop over time.  In: Chemical Engineering Journal 503 (2025) 158314 


Laumeyer, C.; Zimmer, J.; Steinmetz, H. (2024). Development of Microbial Community, Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Yield and Composition Using Residual Streams of the Fruit Juice Industry. In: Mannina, G., Cosenza, A., Mineo, A. (eds) Resource Recovery from Wastewater Treatment. ICWRR 2024. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 524. Springer, Cham.


Owusu-Agyeman, I.; Bedaso, B.; Laumeyer, C.; Pan, C.; Malovanyy, A.; Baresel, C.; Plaza, E.; Cetecioglu, Z. (2023): Volatile fatty acids production from municipal waste streams and use as a carbon source for denitrification: The journey towards full-scale application and revealing key microbial players, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 175 (2023) 113163,

Laumeyer, C.; Andrade Leal, M.; Zimmer, J.; de Best, J.; Steinmetz, H. (2023): Technical report on pilot scale testing of PHA production and extraction from industrial residual streams. Project report, Wider business Opportunities for raw materials from Wastewater - Capitalisation, Interreg North-West-Europe.


Hobus, Inka; Kolisch, Gerd; Steinmetz, Heidrun; Uhrig, Thomas; Zimmer; Julia; Döhler, Cora; Bornemann; Catrin (2022): Rückgewinnung von kohlenstoffbasierten Stoffen aus kommunalem Abwasser. Recovery of carbon-based substances from municipal wastewater. Wasser und Abfall 05/2022, pp. 35-40, Springer,

Laumeyer, C.; Zimmer, J.; Andrade Leal, M.; Persiani, R.; Michels, M.; de Best, J.; Steinmetz, H. (2022): Technical report on suitability for PHA production of residual streams of different food processing com-panies Project report, Wider business Opportunities for raw materials from Wastewater, Interreg North-West-Europe.


Döhler, Cora Michelle (2020): Volatile fatty acid production and application as external carbon source for denitrification, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Sustainable development, Environmental science and Engineering. [Master Thesis]


Fundneider, Thomas; Alejo, Luz; Bitter, Hajo; Mathuni, Laura; Döhler, Cora; Reusch, Friederike; Pidde, Annika Vera; Lackner, Susanne (2019): Weitestgehende Phosphorentfernung und Synergieeffekte der Tuch- und Membranfiltration als nachgeschaltete Filtrationsverfahren in der Abwasserbehandlung. Advanced phosphorus removal to extremely low levels and synergy effects of cloth and membrane filtration as post filtration processes in wastewater treatment. In: gwf - Wasser|Abwasser, (07-08), S. 79. [Article]

Fundneider, Thomas; Alejo, Luz; Bitter, Hajo; Mathuni, Laura; Döhler, Cora; Reusch, Friederike; Pidde, Annika Vera; Lackner, Susanne; Lyko, Hildegard (Ed) (2019): Weitestgehende Phosphorentfernung und Synergieeffekte der Tuch- und Membranfiltration als nachgeschaltete Filtrationsverfahren in der Abwasserbehandlung. Extensive phosphorus removal and synergy effects of cloth and membrane filtration as downstream filtration processes in wastewater treatment.ter treatment. In: gwf Praxiswissen, In: Membrantechnik zur Wasseraufbereitung und Abwasserreinigung, Membrane technology for water treatment and wastewater purification, pp. 46-61, Vulkan, ISBN 978-3-8356-7432-5 [book chapter]


Döhler, Cora (2017): Elimination von Phosphat, Mikroplastik und anthropogenen Spurenstoffen durch Flockung im Kontext der weitergehenden Abwasserbehandlung. Elimination of phosphate, microplastics and anthropogenic trace substances through flocculation in the context of advanced wastewater treatment. Darmstadt, TU Darmstadt, [Bachelor Thesis]

Laumeyer, C.; Andrade Leal, M.; de Best, J.; Steinmetz, H. (2024): Pilot scale production of biopolymers from residual streams using mixed microbial cultures - How the substrate affects yield & chemical properties. IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery Specialist Conference 2024, 17.-21. November 2024, Brisbane, Australien. 

Laumeyer, C.; Steinmetz, H. (2024): Relevance of the selection time of mixed microbial cultures on PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoate) production and composition using residual streams of the fruit juice industry. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition 2024, 11.-15. August 2024, Toronto, Canada. 

Laumeyer, C.; Gretzschel, O.; Knerr, H.; Steinmetz, H. (2023): Identifying potential process enhancements in phosphorus removal on WWTPs by phosphorus fractionation in the effluent. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition 2024, 11.-15. August 2024, Toronto, Canada. 

Laumeyer, C.; Steinmetz, H. (2024): The Solution to Plastic Pollution: Biodegradable Polymers from Waste Streams. Young Researchers Symposium 2024, 01. August 2024, Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Laumeyer, C.; Zimmer, J.; Steinmetz, H. (2024): Development of Microbial Community, Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Yield & Composition using Residual Streams of the Fruit Juice Industry. Oral presentation and conference proceedings. IWA International Conference on Wider-Uptake Of Water Resource Recovery From WastewaterTreatment, 18.-21. June 2024, Palermo, Italy.

Laumeyer, C. (2023): Biopolymer production (PHA) from wastewater & kitchen waste. 42nd Meeting of the Research Associates of the German-speaking Urban Water Management Institutes, 13.-16. September 2023, Zurich, Switzerland.

Laumeyer, C.; Steinmetz, H. (2023): Production of PHA from residual streams. Interreg NWE - WOW! Capitalisation. Closing event Part 2, 8. September 2023, Dublin, Ireland.

Laumeyer, C.; Steinmetz, H. (2023): Production of biodegradable biopolymers (Polyhydroxyalkanoates) from brewery wastewater - effects of the variability of the residual streams on the PHA composition. Poster presentation. 8th International Summer School on Wastewater and Biosolids Management, 24.-28. July 2023, Patras, Greece.

Laumeyer, C.; Hilgenfeldt, V.; Steinmetz, H. (2023): ReWaST - Resource-oriented Wastewater and Sludge Treatment in Greece and Germany. HOU-DAAD-event, 28. June 2023, Athens, Greece, online.

Laumeyer, C.; Andrade Leal, M.; Steinmetz, H.; De Best, J. (2023): PHA production from residual streams How the substrate composition influences the final product. European Green Week, 06. June 2023, online.

Laumeyer, C. (2023): Phosphorus removal from Wastewater – State of the art & future challenges. Presentation at the Federal University Mato Grosso do Sul, 24. January 2023, Campo Grande,  Brasil. 

Laumeyer, C. (2023): Production of biodegradable plastics (PHA) from industrial wastewater. Presentation of the project Interreg NWE -WOW! Capitalisation at the Federal University Mato Grosso do Sul, 19. January 2023, Campo Grande,  Brasil. 

Laumeyer, C. (2022): Biopolymerproduktion aus Abfallströmen der Lebensmittelindustrie. 41st Meeting of the Research Associates of the German-speaking Urban Water Management Institutes, 24.-27. August 2022,  Aachen, Germany.

Young Researchers Symposium 2024
Award - Best Talk with the presentation "The Solution to Plastic Pollution: Biodegradable Polymers from Waste Streams", on 1st August 2024 in Kaiserslautern, Germany.