Dr.-Ing. Carlo Morandi

Wasser Infrastruktur Ressourcen


Building: 67, Room: 325
67663 Kaiserslautern


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to date
Research Assistant at the Department for Resource-Efficient Wastewater Technology at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau (until 12/22 TU Kaiserslautern)
Research Assistant at Center for Innovative Wastewater Technologies tectraa
Research Assistant at the Chair of Sanitary Engineering and Water Recycling at the Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management at the University of Stuttgart
Master’s thesis at the Institute for Chemical Engineering at the University of Stuttgart on "Synthesis and characterization of novel anion-exchange membranes for application in fuel cells"
Master’s degree in Environmental Engineering at the University of Stuttgart with focus on Wastewater Engineering, Renewable Energy and Environmental Protection in Power Generation (degree: M. Sc.)
Diploma thesis at the Institute for Chemical Engineering at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul' on "Synthesis, characterization and optimization of adsorbent microfiltration membranes for removal of endocrine disruptors from wastewater"
Internship at the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology in Stuttgart. Interfacial Engineering and Materials Science
Exchange year at the University of Tübingen funded by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung. Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry
Student Assistant at the Department of Physical Chemistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. Physical chemistry of Soils
Diploma/degree in Chemical Engineering at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil (with distinction)
  • Anaerobic technology and blackwater digestion
  • Greywater treatment and water reclamation
  • Concepts and technologies for a resource-oriented wastewater management
  • Process optimization of wastewater treatment plants
  • Moosmann (2021): Operation of a pilot-scale constructed wetland for a nature-based greywater treatment in combination with rainwater harvesting for irrigation water supply. Bachelor thesis, University of Stuttgart and University of Kaiserslautern.
  • Hilbert, N. (2021): Operation of small-scale constructed wetland columns for on-demand greywater treatment. Master thesis, University of Kaiserslautern.
  • Meyer, I. M. (2020): Possibilities of treating alternative urban water resources to strengthen blue- green infrastructures. Bachelor thesis, TU Kaiserslautern.
  • Lin, J. (2019): Bewertung von Verfahren zur Behandlung von häuslichem Grauwasser am Fallbeispiel Umwelt-Campus-Birkenfeld, "Evaluation of treatment processes for domestic greywater in the case study: Environmental Campus Birkenfeld". Bachelor thesis, TU Kaiserslautern.
  • Mang, P. (2018): Einflussfaktoren auf die Grauwasserreinigung beim Einsatz von Bodenfiltern, "Influencing factors on greywater treatment by using soil filters". Bachelor thesis, University of Kaiserslautern.
  • Canas Kurz, E. (2016): Halbtechnische Untersuchung zur Anaerobbehandlung von Primär-, Überschussschlamm und Schwarzwasser zur Biogasgewinnung, "Pilot-scale investigation into the anaerobic treatment of primary, excess sludge and blackwater for biogas production". Master thesis, University of Stuttgart.
  • Thompson, J. A. (2016): An investigation into the use of a lab-scale CSTR for the anaerobic treatment of thickened blackwater. Student Research Project, University of Stuttgart.
  • Delgado, G. (2016): Impacts of the integration of new sanitation systems in conventional wastewater infrastructures. Student Research Project, University of Stuttgart.


Morandi, C.; Steinmetz, H. (2024): Grauwasseraufbereitung durch den Einsatz von Bodenfiltern zur Bewässerung von Stadtgrün (German: Greywater treatment through the use of constructed wetlands for irrigating urban greenery). In: 57. Essener Tagung für Wasserwirtschaft"Wege zur nachhaltigen Wasserwirtschaft und Gesellschaft" (German: 57th Essen Conference on Water Management. 'Paths to Sustainable Water Management and Society): 06-08 March 2024 in Essen, Germany T. Wintgens (ed.). Gewässerschutz, Wasser, Abwasser 257, Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Instituts für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft an der RWTH Aachen e.V, Aachen.


Gottardo Morandi, Carlo (2023): Anpassung des Bodenfilterverfahrens zur nutzungsorientierten Grauwasseraufbereitung und Auswirkungen der Grauwasserseparation auf zentrale Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen (German: Adaptation of the Constructed Wetland Technology for On-Demand Greywater Treatment and Assessment of the Impacts of Greywater Separation on Centralized Wastewater Treatment Plants). Ph.D. Dissertation, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau. 10.26204/KLUEDO/7515

Morandi, C.; Takahashi, K.; Paulo, P.; Steinmetz, H. (2023): Enhancing Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal from Greywater Using Adapted Vertical-Flow Constructed Wetlands. Proceedings and presentation. 6th Brazilian Symposium on Constructed Wetlands. 16. - 18. November 2023, Novo Hamburgo, Brasilien.

Morandi, C.; Rovelli, L.; Fuchs, S.; Lorke, A; Dittmer, U. (2023): Relevanz der Methanemissionen aus der Regenwasserbewirtschaftung. Proceedings and Poster Pitch. Aqua Urbanica 2023 - “Die wasser- und schadstoffbewusste Stadt – Klimaangepasstes Regenwassermanagement trifft Schadstoffproblematik”, 9. - 10. Oktober 2023, Garching, Germany.

Morandi, C.; Takahashi, K.; Paulo, P.; Steinmetz, H. (2023): Adapting Vertical-Flow Constructed Wetlands for On-Demand Nutrient Removal from Greywater. Proceedings and presentation. 10th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control - WETPOL, 10.-14. September 2023, Bruges, Belgium.

Rovelli, L.; Morandi, C.; Abusafia, A.; Fuchs, S.; Dittmer, U.; Lorke, A. (2023). The Role of Stormwater Infrastructure in Regional Methane Emissions. Water research, 120334. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2023.120334

Morandi, Carlo; Well, Friederike; Ludwig; Ferdinand; Steinmetz; Heidrun  (2023): Bewässerung städtischer Vegetation mit alternativen Wasserressourcen: Fallstudie Wallanlagen in Frankfurt am Main – ANLiegen Natur 45(2): online preview, 4 p.; www.anl.bayern.de/publikationen.

Takahashi, K. M.; Passoni, C. M.; de Souza, J. B. G.; Yoshida, N. C.; Morandi; C. G.; Steinmetz, H.; Boncz, M. A.; Paulo, P. L. (2023): Influence of System Geometry and Substrate on the Removal of Linalool and Geraniol in Zero Liquid Discharge Unplanted NBS. Proceedings and poster. 6th IWA International Conference on eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment. 26.-29. June, Girona, Spain.

Takahashi, K. M.; Morandi, C. G.; Paulo; P. L.; Steinmetz, H. (2023): Surfactant Elimination in Horizontal and Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands for Greywater Treatment. Proceedings and poster. 6th IWA International Conference on eco-Technologies for Wastewater Treatment. 26.-29. June, Girona, Spain.

Morandi, Carlo; Winker, Martina; Eisenberg, Bernd; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2023): Grauwasseraufbereitung in Bodenfiltern zur Stärkung urbaner blau-grüner Wasserinfrastrukturen und Auswirkungen der Grauwasserabkopplung auf zentrale Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen. Proceedings and presentation. KläranlagenTage 20. June 2023, Osnabrück, Germany.


Morandi, Carlo; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2022): Greywater VFCW for phosphorus and micropollutant elimination, extensive nitrification, partial disinfection and provision of evaporative cooling. Proceedings and presentation. IWA 17th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (ICWS). 6 – 10 November 2022, Lyon, France.

Paulo, Paula; Takahashi, Karen M.; Morandi, Carlo; Steinmetz, Heidrun; Boncz, Marc; Magalhães Filho, Fernando (2022): Modular-constructed wetland treating greywater for urban water reuse and landscaping. Proceedings and presentation. IWA 17th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (ICWS). 6 – 10 November 2022, Lyon, France.

Souza, Hugo; Paulo, Paula; Morandi, Carlo; Boncz, Marc; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2022): Life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of constructed wetlands for greywater recycling in Brazil and Germany. Proceedings and presentation. IWA 17th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (ICWS). 6 – 10 November 2022, Lyon, France.

Morandi, Carlo; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2022): Wasserwiederverwendung - Rahmenbedingungen und neue technische Ansätze am Beispiel des Bodenfilterverfahrens (German: Water reuse - boundary conditions and new technical approaches exemplified by constructed wetlands). Presentation. Betreuende und Obleutetag (BOT 2022), Landesverbandstagung Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz/Saarland (LVT HRPS) 2022 . 14 July 2022, Frankenthal, Germany.


Ludwig, F.; Well, F.; Moseler, E.-M.; Eisenberg, B.; Deffner, J.; Drautz, S.; Elnagdy, M. T.; Friedrich, R.; Jaworski, T.; Meyer, S.; Minke, R.; Morandi, C.; Müller, H.; Narvaéz Vallejo, A.; Richter, P.; Schwarz-von Raumer, H.-G-; Steger, L.; Steinmetz, H.; Wasielewski, S.; Winker, M. (2021): Integrierte Planung blau-grüner Infrastrukturen – Ein Leitfaden (German: Integrated Planning of Blue-Green Infrastructures - A Guideline). 28.12.2021, Technical University of Munich; Munich, Germany. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14459/2021md1638459

Morandi, Carlo; Schreiner, Gerhard; Moosmann, Patrizia; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2021): Elevated Vertical-Flow Constructed Wetlands for Light Greywater Treatment. In: Water 13 (18): 2510. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13182510

Morandi, Carlo; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2021): Operation of an elevated vertical-flow constructed wetland filled with lava sand to treat light greywater at low temperatures. Presentation and proceedings, 9th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control. Vienna, Austria. September 13th-17th 2021.

Eisenberg, Bernd; Morandi, Carlo; Richter, Philipp; Well, Friederike; Winker, Martina; Minke, Ralf; Steinmetz, Heidrun; Ludwig, Ferdinand (2021): The Impulse Project Stuttgart—Stimulating Resilient Urban Development Through Blue-Green Infrastructure. In: Gérard Hutter, Marco Neubert und Regine Ortlepp (Hg.): Building Resilience to Natural Hazards in the Context of Climate Change. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden (Studien zur Resilienzforschung), S. 157–171. DOI: doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-33702-5_7 


Well, Friederike; Morandi, Carlo; Richter, Philipp (2020): Regen- und Grauwasser als alternative Wasserquelle für Vertikalbegrünung. In: GebäudeGrün (3), S. 20-23


Morandi, C.; Souza, H. H.; Paulo, P.; Steinmetz, H. (2019) Adaptable constructed wetlands for on-demand greywater treatment in Brazil and Germany. Presentation at the 16th Specialised Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 8th Specialised Conference on Resources Oriented Sanitation. Perth, Australia, December 1st - 5th, 2019.

Morandi, Carlo; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2019): How does greywater separation impact the operation of conventional wastewater treatment plants? (Editor's Choice). In: Water Science and Technology 79 (8), S. 1605–1615. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2019.165.


Gottardo Morandi, Carlo; Wasielewski, Stephan; Mouarkech, Karen; Minke, Ralf; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2018): Impact of new sanitation technologies upon conventional wastewater infrastructures. In: Urban Water Journal 15 (6), S. 526–533. DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2017.1301502.

Morandi, Carlo; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2018.): How does greywater separation impact the operation of conventional wastewater treatment plants? Präsentation und Tagungsband. Haifa, Israel: 15th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems (SWWS) & 7th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation (ROS), 14.10.2018.


Morandi, Carlo; Mouarkech, Karen; Wasielewski, Stephan; Minke, Ralf; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2017): Anaerobic digestion of sieved, statically and mechanically thickened blackwater at different organic loading rates. Präsentation und Tagungsband. Nantes, Frankreich: The 14th IWA Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems, 22.10.2017.

Morandi, Carlo; Wasielewski, Stephan; Minke, Ralf; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2017): Kombinierte Energie- und Nährstoffrückgewinnung aus Schwarzwasser bei unterschiedlichen Transitionszuständen: Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik gGmbH. In: Beiträge aus der INIS-Forschung. Wasserinfrastrukturen für die zukunftsfähige Stadt, S. 98–103. Online verfügbar unter edoc.difu.de/edoc.php, zuletzt geprüft am 07.07.2019.

Morandi, Carlo; Wasielewski, Stephan; Mouarkech, Karen; Minke, Ralf; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2017.): Biogas recovery from blackwater and sewage sludge as a transition component towards resource-oriented sanitation. Präsentation und Tagungsband. Florianópolis, Brasilien: The 14th IWA Leading Edge Technology on Water and Wastewater Technologies, 29.05.2017.

Steinmetz, Heidrun; Minke, Ralf; Morandi, Carlo; Wasielewski, Stephan; Mouarkech, Karen (2017): Abschlussbericht BMBF-Verbundprojekt TWIST+: Transitionswege WasserInfraSTruktursysteme. Anpassung an neue Herausforderungen im städtischen und ländlichen Raum. Teilprojekt der Universität Stuttgart (FKZ: 033W011D).

Steinmetz, Heidrun; Morandi, Carlo (2017): Ressourceneffizienz in der Abwasserwirtschaft. In: Ingenieurspiegel, Fachmagazin für Ingenieure, S. 69–72.

Wasielewski, Stephan; Morandi, Carlo; Mouarkech, Karen; Minke, Ralf; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2017): Impacts of blackwater co-digestion on biogas production in the municipal wastewater treatment sector using pilot-scale UASB and CSTR reactors. In: dwt 91, S. 121–128. DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2017.21236.


Morandi, Carlo; Wasielewski, Stephan; Minke, Ralf; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2016): Case study: integration of new sanitation technologies into current wastewater infrastructures exemplified by the Treatment Plant for Education and Research at the University of Stuttgart. Vortrag, Tagungsband. Athen, Griechenland: 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems (SWWS) & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation (ROS), 14.09.2016. Online verfügbar unter uest.ntua.gr/swws/proceedings/pdf/SWWS2016_Morandi_Case_study.pdf, zuletzt geprüft am 07.07.2019.

Morandi, Carlo; Wasielewski, Stephan; Mouarkech, Karen; Minke, Ralf; Müller-Czygan, Günther; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2016): Untersuchungen zur anaeroben Schwarzwasserbehandlung im Rahmen der Transition zu Neuartigen Sanitärsystemen. Posterpräsentation. Lünen: Wasserinfrastruktur in der Stadt - die unsichtbare Herausforderung, 19.05.2016.

Wasielewski, Stephan; Morandi, Carlo; Minke, Ralf; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2016): Ammonium recovery by ion exchange from effluents of anaerobic blackwater co-digestion and struvite precipitation reactors. Posterpräsentation, Tagungsband. Athen, Griechenland: 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems (SWWS) & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation (ROS), 14.09.2016. Online verfügbar unter uest.ntua.gr/swws/proceedings/pdf/SWWS2016_Wasielewski_Ammonium_recovery.pdf, zuletzt geprüft am 07.07.2019.

Wasielewski, Stephan; Morandi, Carlo; Mouarkech, Karen; Minke, Ralf; Müller-Czygan, Günther; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2016.): Nährstoffrückgewinnung aus Gärresten der anaeroben Schwarzwasserbehandlung. Posterpräsentation. Lünen: Wasserinfrastruktur in der Stadt - die unsichtbare Herausforderung, 19.05.2016.

Wasielewski, Stephan; Morandi, Carlo; Mouarkech, Karen; Minke, Ralf; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2016): Co-Vergärung von Schwarzwasser in halbtechnischen UASB- und CSTR-Reaktoren - Betrachtung ausgewählter Parameter. Posterpräsentation. Hannover: 13. Hannoversche Industrieabwassertage (HIT), 07.04.2016.

Wasielewski, Stephan; Morandi, Carlo; Mouarkech, Karen; Minke, Ralf; Steinmetz, Heidrun (2016): Impacts of blackwater co-digestion upon biogas production in pilot-scale UASB and CSTR reactors. Vortrag, Tagungsband. Athen, Griechenland: 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems (SWWS) & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation (ROS) (.), 14.09.2016. Online verfügbar unter uest.ntua.gr/swws/proceedings/pdf/SWWS2016_Wasielewski_anaerobic_digestion.pdf, zuletzt geprüft am 07.07.2019.


Kerres, Jochen; Morandi, Carlo; Häring, Thomas (2015): Kombinatorisches Materialsystem für Ionenaustauschermembranen und dessen Verwendung in elektrochemischen Prozessen am 17.12.2015. Anmeldenr: DE102014009170 A1.

Morandi, Carlo Gottardo; Peach, Retha; Krieg, Henning M.; Kerres, Jochen (2015): Novel imidazolium-functionalized anion-exchange polymer PBI blend membranes. In: Journal of Membrane Science 476, S. 256–263. DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2014.11.049.

Morandi, Carlo Gottardo; Peach, Retha; Krieg, Henning M.; Kerres, Jochen (2015): Novel morpholinium-functionalized anion-exchange PBI–polymer blends. In: J. Mater. Chem. A 3 (3), S. 1110–1120. DOI: 10.1039/C4TA05026F.


Gottardo Morandi, Carlo (2014): Synthese und Charakterisierung neuartiger Anionenaustauschermembranen für den Einsatz in Brennstoffzellen. Masterthesis. Stuttgart: Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik (ICVT).


Gottardo Morandi, Carlo (2011): Síntese, caracterização e otimização de membranas poliméricas adsorventes para a remoção de disruptores endócrinos de águas residuais (in Portugiesisch): Synthese, Charakterisierung und Optimierung adsorbierender Mikrofiltrationsmembranen zur Entfernung endokriner Disruptoren aus Abwässern. Diplomarbeit. Porto Alegre, Brasilien: Departamento de Engenharia Química (Institut für Chemische Verfahrenstechnik), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Online verfügbar unter hdl.handle.net/10183/38522, zuletzt geprüft am 07.07.2019.

Best Presentation Award for the presentation „Adapting Vertical-Flow Constructed Wetlands for On-Demand Nutrient Removal from Greywater“ at WETPOL 2023 (10th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control), von 10. - 14. September 2023, in Bruges, Belgium. Award: 350 €.