Pilot plant Mainz

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Project duration: 08/2022 - 10/2023

Project editing by:  tectraa

Project editior: 

Dipl.-Ing. Zoé Béalu

Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Gretzschel

Dipl.-Biophys. Linda Müller

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heidrung Steinmetz

Project partners:

At the Mainz wastewater treatment plant, the concept study "Climate-friendly and resource-efficient application of water electrolysis for the generation of regenerative storage gases and advanced wastewater treatment for micropollutant elimination at wastewater treatment plants - arrived" (Steinmetz et al. 2018), as well as supplementary considerations (Steinmetz et al. 2019), came to a positive conclusion. It could be shown that the implementation of an extensive wastewater treatment for trace substance elimination consisting of an ozone stage and a downstream GAK stage is possible. The innovative character of the planned plant is that the ozone is to be used from the co-product oxygen from the electrolysis operated on site. The nationally innovative project is now in the planning phase and is being funded under the federal government's Environmental Innovation Program and by the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of the Environment.

For the upcoming operation of the plant, the above feasibility studies could not provide conclusive answers in all points regarding various issues. In order to prepare the operation of this innovative project, tests with wastewater from Mainz will be carried out with the help of a semi-technical test plant consisting of an ozone stage and a downstream GAK filter operated in Mainz.

The aim of the trials is to generate important findings and initial experience for the operation of the large-scale plants.



Steinmetz, Heidrun; Schmitt, Theo G.; Schäfer, Michael; Gretzschel, Oliver; Krieger, Stefan; Alt, Klaus et al. (2018): Concept study - Climate-friendly and resource-efficient application of water electrolysis for the generation of regenerative storage gases combined with advanced wastewater treatment for micro-pollutant elimination at wastewater treatment plants - "arrived". Study commissioned by Wirtschaftsbetriebe Mainz (unpublished ). Final report. Kaiserslautern.

Steinmetz, Heidrun; Schmitt, Theo G.; Schäfer, Michael; Gretzschel, Oliver; Krieger, Stefan; Alt, Klaus et al. (2019): Supplementary considerations to the concept study "arrived" - preferred variant -. Study on behalf of Wirtschaftsbetriebe Mainz (unpublished). Final report. Kaiserslautern.

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