Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management

Ahsan Ali, M. Sc.

Paul-Ehrlich-St. 14
Room 470
Phone: + 49 631 205 2952
Fax: + 49 631 205 3904
E-mail: ahsan.ali(at)bauing.uni-kl.de


Academic background

08/2008 – 08/2012Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (Pakistan)
10/2015 – 11/2017Master of Science in "Infrastrukturplanung" (Infrastructure Planning), Universität Stuttgart (Germany)

Scientific Career

since 12/2018Scientist in the Water Management Department of TU Kaiserslautern
09/2013-08/2015Scientist at the Civil Engineering University, BUITEMS University (Pakistan)


Resilience in the risk management of flood and heavy rainfall events

Flood risk management

Infrastructure planning

Urban water management

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