Simulation study sewage treatment plant Appenweier

[Translate to English:] Quelle: Google Maps
Map of the sewage treatment plant Appenweier, Source: Google Maps

Project duration: 11/2021 - 12/2022

Department in change: tectraa, Zentrum für innovative Abwassertechnologien an der TU Kaiserslautern e. V.

Persons in charge:


  • Municipality of Appenweier

Project partners:

The municipality of Appenweier operates the Appenweier wastewater treatment plant, which is designed for 12.300 PE. A pollution load calculation was carried out for the catchment area of the wastewater treatment plant, which showed an increase in the inflow of combined sewage and an increase in the connection load. Therefore, the biological treatment stage is to be upgraded and expanded (new aeration basin, technical upgrade of the existing aeration basin and new secondary sedimentation). For the planned measures, a flow simulation of the secondary sedimentation basin is carried out in order to determine the maximum capacity of the new secondary sedimentation and to show the hydraulic optimisation potential. The biological stage is to be considered as a unit consisting of the aeration basin and the secondary sedimentation basins. Therefore, the purification performance of the extended/upgraded biological stage for the decisive hydraulic load and the increased influent load will also be assessed by means of a reaction kinetic simulation.

The work is being carried out by tectraa e. V. in cooperation with the Steinbeis Transfer Centre (STZ) - Project Management at Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and FlowConcept GmbH, and in consultation with the management of the Appenweier wastewater treatment plant. 


[Translate to English:] Quelle: Google Maps
Map of the sewage treatment plant Appenweier, Source: Google Maps