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Resource-oriented Wastewater and Sludge Treatment in Greece and Germany

Project Duration: 07/2022 - 06/2024

Project located with:

Involved employees:


  • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Project Partner:

Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece

Project description:

The aim of the ReWaST cooperation project is to create a common knowledge base for wastewater and sludge treatment and management in Greece and Germany in order to combine different complementary competences and to focus on the integration of resource-oriented treatment systems at wastewater treatment plants. 

Wastewater and the WWTP should be used in the future as a resource factory and not as a landfill for waste streams. Using products from the WWTP as fertiliser is one solution out of a whole spectrum of possibilities to use the resources arriving at the WWTP. Since wastewater treatment plants and their infrastructure are usually built for a long period of time, the challenge is to integrate the various technological advances into the existing system so that resource-oriented technologies harmonise with the central system.
The research teams from Greece and Germany will evaluate the data collected and compare the differences between the two countries in terms of wastewater management, reuse of sewage sludge and resource recovery. 

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