Adaptation of rainwater management to extreme events

Project duration: 02/2022 - 01/2025

Project website: AMAREX 

Project editing by: siwawi

Persons in charge:


  • BMBF (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research), FKZ: 02WEE1624A

Project Partners:

  • RPTU Kaiserslautern, Department of Urban Water Management (leading partner)
  • The Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management (ISWA) at the University of Stuttgart
  • The Berlin Centre of Competence for Water (KWB)
  • Berliner Wasserbetriebe
  • Ecologic Institute
  • Technology Foundation Berlin
  • Helix Plant Systems GmbH
  • StEB Cologne

Project Description:

The predominantly negative impact of extreme weather on people and their living environment is nowhere more directly and drastically manifested than in cities. High degrees of sealed surfaces and high building densities exacerbate the risk of flooding due to heavy rainfall on the one hand and the formation of heat islands and the consequences of droughts in the summer months on the other. Both weather extremes are seen as direct effects of climate change, which are particularly pronounced in urban areas and can be felt in many areas (health, economy, environment, etc.).

The overarching objective of AMAREX is to develop methods that enable rainwater management concepts to be adapted to extreme events such as heavy rainfall, heat and drought at municipal level. To this end, the main aim is to analyse the potential for extended and adapted LID systems so that they can be used specifically for flood, drought and heat prevention. The results are to be summarised in an illustrative web tool that municipalities can use to assess the effects of such adapted LID systems and blue green infrastructures on the objectives of flood, drought and heat prevention for different planning scenarios.

Within the AMAREX project, the RPTU Department for Urban Water Management is in charge for the following tasks and work steps:

  • Project management
  • Adaptation and extention of LID systems beyond the usual design level (RWB+)
  • Modelling of elements of blue-green infrastructure in a bi-directionally coupled 1D/2D surface runoff simulation model
  • Determination of the potential and impact of blue-green infrastructure with regard to the mitigation of heavy rain flooding

For further Information see Project website