

  • Contract research
    Earthquake engineering, structural dynamics incl. experimental structural dynamics, probabilistic investigations, innovative materials and load-bearing structures


  • Optical vibration measurement over long distances
    Laser-based detection of vibration velocity and displacement in the micrometer range on supporting structures, even over long distances.
    This enables us to measure where our conventional, highly sensitive accelerometers cannot be used or are very difficult to use.
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  • Vibration tests and vibration measurements
    Earthquake devices (anti-seismic devices), vibration isolation, vibration damping (absorber systems), vibration damping (damping systems), shaking table tests (shaking table) at the TU
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  • Vibration measurements, vibration predictions for impacts from traffic, machinery, blasting, etc. and human-induced vibrations
  • System identification, experimental modal analysis, numerical and experimental vibration analysis
  • Structural Health Monitoring, Damage Detection, Vibration Monitoring



  • Non-linear dynamic calculations/simulations



  • Material and system development (innovative adaptive and intelligent materials and support structures, including dilektric elastomers
    elastomers, adaptive vibration absorbers, active and passive vibration dampers, bearings and systems for basic insulation)



  • Static and dynamic load tests, material modeling and programming, FEM implementation


  • Program and software development (for static and dynamic structural analyses)


  • Non-linear investigations of dynamic soil-structure interaction
    The influence of dynamic soil-structure interaction is of crucial importance for the safety assessment of highly dynamically loaded structures. For example, induced vibrations due to an airplane impact are transmitted from the building envelope via the foundation and the floor into the building interior and can endanger important system components. These vibrations are not correctly recorded if the influences of radiation damping (soil-structure interaction) are neglected. Consideration of the floor using highly simplified methods, such as the use of static spring-damper elements, also leads to considerable inaccuracies. For a non-linear dynamic calculation, for example to include plasticization effects and damage in the structure, the soil and the building can be captured and analyzed in a finite element model.




  • Probabilistic investigations and risk studies
    • Risk investigations and assessments
    • Seismic Margin Assessments (SMA) and fragility analyses
    • Structural reliability, reliability analysis
    • Probabilistic safety analyses (PSA)
    • Probabilistic safety concepts
    • Probabilistic load and bearing capacity analyses
    • Probabilistic seismic hazard analyses (Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis, PSHA)



  • Lectures and courses
  • Assessment of building and system damage