M.Sc. Gerard Banziganye


Building: 67, Room: 321
67663 Kaiserslautern

Journal Articles

  • Banzibaganye, G., Twagirimana, E., Kumaran, G. S. (2017): Strength Enhancement of Silty Sand Soil Subgrade of Highway Pavement Using Lime and Fines from Demolished Concrete Wastes, International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, Vol. 36, pp. 74-84, 2018

Papers in Conference Proceedings and Workshops

  • Banzibaganye, G., Becker, A., Vrettos, C. (2019): Static and cyclic tests on medium sand and tire chips mixtures, 17th African Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Cape Town
  • Twagirimana, E., Banzibaganye, G., Kumaran, G. S. (2017): Demolition waste as an alternative for pavement subgrade stabilisation, UNESCO-Africa Engineering Week with Africa Engineering Conference, Rwanda
  • Chebet, F. C., Kalumba, D., Banzibaganye, G. (2014): An investigation of waste tyre shreds as reinforcement material for typical south african sandy soils, Proceedings of the 20th WasteCon Conference, Cape Town